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We Made It! A Fun First Day of School Sign for Relieved Moms

Just for you, the brave moms who survived summer with their wits and sense of humor intact

By Macaroni KID August 19, 2024

As summer break comes to an end, many moms are breathing a collective sigh of relief. We've survived! 

We've survived the days of constant snack requests, endless “I’m bored” complaints, and trying to balance work and the kids at home. It's not a job for the faint of heart.

To celebrate this monumental achievement, we’ve created a FREE printable first day of school sign just for you, the brave moms who survived summer with their wits and sense of humor intact.

Our “This mom survived summer!" sign is the perfect way to capture that well-earned moment of peace and quiet in a humorous way as the kids head back to school.

So grab your coffee (or wine) and snap a photo with your sign! Share it with your fellow moms on social media and show them that you’ve not only survived but thrived this summer ... and are ready to meet for lunch, walks, and a much-needed gossip sesh. 

Cheers to all of us for making it through another summer, super moms! 

Get the FREE mom's version of the First Day of School sign now!

Want a version for your kids? 
Check out our first day of school printable for kids. It's FREE too!