A cooperative preschool is a unique educational setting where parents actively work alongside teachers in the classroom and through special events to form an ideal learning environment for young children. Children are more likely to succeed in their school environment when there is a high level of family engagement. PNS provides extensive opportunities to be fully engaged in your child’s learning, making it an ideal environment for children to begin their schooling experiences in a powerfully positive way.
Perinton Nursery School’s curriculum is based in play and child-led discovery. Perinton Nursery School’s philosophy is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, which recognizes that each child is a unique individual with their own interests and should have some control over the direction of their learning. The school day focuses on open-ended learning activities, process-oriented art, sensory play and chil-led discovery. We pride ourselves on having an intimate, warm learning environment with no more than a 6:1 child to adult ratio which is well below the New York State requirements.
To further foster the community feel, we host family gatherings throughout the year including Fall Fest, Thanksgiving Feast, December Holiday Concert, Parent’s Day Celebration, and a Graduation Ceremony along with at least 2 field trips during the year. Each event creates special and memorable moments for families to cherish.
Perinton Nursery School has a morning class for children turning 3 by December 1st, and both a morning and afternoon class offering for children turning 4 by December 1st. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins January 1st , 2025.
To schedule a tour or for more information, please contact our registrar at Registrar@PerintonNurserySchool.org
We look forward to connecting with you!